New National Coordinator in Serbia – Kristian Vučković

Kristian Vučković joins Youth for Christ as the new National Coordinator for the country of Serbia.

Kristian Vučković

I have great news to share with you! God has called me to lead Youth for Christ in Serbia. After taking time to pray, think and consult several friends and mentors, God has clearly shown me that this is His path for me. In the past six years, the Lord has given me the desire of my heart as I serve Him. He has provided opportunities for me to impact youth through worship, camps and spending time together.

For several years, I have prayed for the honor of serving God full-time. April of this year, the Lord closed the door at my current job while opening the door into full-time ministry with Youth for Christ. God has called us, as Youth for Christ, to impact the youth of Serbia. As the leader, I have the freedom to prayerfully decide what will best impact the youth of our nation, knowing we have available from Youth for Christ abundant resources, materials and programs.

Our first step will be to stand with local churches and organizations already reaching out to Serbian youth in the name of Jesus, through various projects while keeping the focus of Youth for Christ. God has blessed me with an amazing wife and great board of trustees who help me with invaluable guidance, but at this point I am pioneering as the only worker with Youth for Christ in Serbia.

I am excited and encouraged that God has called me to lead Youth for Christ, and I can’t wait to see how He will lead!