Paul & Teresa Vander Veen

Paul and Teresa grew up in the Pacific Northwest; they met as teenagers on a river during a youth retreat. They married young and became more involved with youth programs at their local churches when their kids came along. They have loved building relationships, from boating ministries to camping adventures. Through the years, God has guided Paul and Teresa’s lives into a story He is still writing.

In 2016, God moved their family across the country to North Carolina, leaving everyone they knew behind. They had to learn to depend entirely on Him to rebuild a community. Paul and Teresa once again became involved with youth ministries but with a focus on building fellowship through food.

That passion for food led Paul to start his own catering company, which was the work of God’s hand through connecting people. They are excited to bring their passion for youth and their gift to feed people to Youth for Christ Puerto Rico. By investing time, preparing and serving meals to the youth of Puerto Rico, Paul and Teresa will be fulfilling  John 21:15-17 where Jesus asks, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Three times John says, “Lord, you know I love you.” Jesus responds with, “Then feed my sheep.”