Jessica Nutting

Jessica Nutting was born into the ministry of Youth for Christ. Her parents served with Youth for Christ for over 40 years in Maryland, having Campus Life in their house every Monday night. Watching the life-changing message of Jesus Christ reach countless teens through retreats, clubs, and relationships Jessica had a front-row seat to God’s work! She naturally went into youth ministry right out of college, serving with Youth for Christ in Geneva, Switzerland. There, she found her passion – serving Third Culture Kids (TCKs.)* From there God led her to serve a special type of TCK: Missionary Kids (MKs) at a boarding school in Germany. Later, she worked with military TCKs in Rota, Spain. After serving overseas, Jessica returned to the States, got her master’s in counseling and joined Youth for Christ’s Missionary Care Team with a focus on Missionary Kids.

Jessica knows both the blessings and challenges of being a ministry-kid from first-hand experience. She has also walked alongside countless kids as they experienced the joys and struggles of being MKs overseas. Once Stateside, she counseled MKs at re-entry camps, helping them adjust when they come “home” for university.

Now, Jessica loves to empower missionary parents to tune into the unique aspects of raising TCKs & parent them well. She provides resources on raising kids overseas, adoption, transition, grief & loss, and more. She prays alongside missionary moms and dads about their kids’ broken hearts, need for friendships, relationships with the Lord, etc. She’s available to problem-solve over homeschool questions,  transition challenges, and more. She also gets to send American birthday gifts and cards to our MKs to remind them that they are an important part of our Youth for Christ family!

Jessica lives in the Denver area with her husband David and two girls, Bella and Emma. She homeschools her girls, enjoys photography and finding ways to serve the Lord as a family. She loves seeing how the Lord uses her experiences as a former Youth for Christ kid, missionary, parent, adoptive-parent & homeschool-mom to connect with and minister to missionary families around the world!

*In simple terms, TCKs are youth who grow up spending a significant part of their developmental years in a culture other than their parents’ culture.