Prayer catalyzes mission and empowers evangelism.
In prayer, you get ahold of God and more importantly, God gets ahold of you.
Currently, we are globally positioned and actively reaching hundreds of thousands of lost youth annually with the Good News of Jesus. God, in answer to prayer, is moving in the hearts of youth all over the world! Every lost teenager depends on our prayer. This is why we pray and fast.
As a movement, Youth for Christ is devoted to the Word of God and prayer. Every historic revival and mission has been ignited by people of the Word of God and prayer. Youth for Christ shares this story. We uphold values and practices that empower our staff to be formed in Christ to pray and act boldly. These practices include a call to monthly prayer and fasting for lost youth.
Our mission to reach lost youth is dependent on prayer. We are calling every Youth for Christ staff, volunteer, and partner to pray and fast on the first Monday of every month, in two ways:
Pray for the harvest
Pray for more labourers in the harvest (Mark 9:38)
Here are some ways to engage our family in our monthly day of prayer and fasting for lost teenagers:
As an Individual:
- Prepare how and what you will fast so that you may intentionally pray
- Retreat. Plan a day-long retreat with God. Choose a location that has less work/life distractions
- Read a pre-determined scripture selection and journal what stands out to you
- Lay out a map of the world, your country, or community and lift the lost before the Lord
- Create a list of youth you work with and, during your fast, lift these youth to the Lord in prayer
- Take a prayer walk, reflecting on God’s Word and listen to the Holy Spirit’s direction to pray
- Engage with the Lord in ways that produce faith and spiritual hunger. Engage through prayer, scripture, books, music, solitude, personal spiritual examination, praying with a friend(s)
- Listen for, obey, and record the Holy Spirit’s leading and direction
- CELEBRATE at the end of your fast what God has done
As a Staff Team:
- Appoint a leader to communicate, lead, and call people to prayer and fasting
- Decide on the length of your team’s fasting and prayer time
- Read a pre-determined scripture selection as a team
- Gather together. Pray for lost youth, pray for more labourers (Mark 9:38), take a prayer walk
- Pray for one another, specific youth, or ministry needs
- Retreat. Plan a day-long spiritual formation team retreat: scripture reading, worship, team discernment
- Listen for, obey, and record the Holy Spirit’s leading and direction
- Partner. Create ways to invite or mobilize local Christians/churches in prayer for the lost
- CELEBRATE intentionally and significantly at the end of your team’s fast