"Coming to the Ranch was the best decision of my life. It may have saved my life."
Youth for Christ in Slovakia has created a new ministry for people who find themselves in difficult life situations and need long-term help. They work on creating a safe place at the Ranch Kralova Lehota, where these people can live and work in community, receive counselling and prayer from experienced counselors, rest, grow and get ready to return to their normal life in a healthy way.
“Coming to the Ranch was the best decision of my life. It may have saved my life. Volunteering changed my view of work and serving God. I think that since I came to the Ranch, I have grown in my relationship with God more than during all my life before that. Most of all, I got to know God in a new way, which gives me freedom, so that I don’t have to fear the relationship with Him anymore.” (volunteer Marek)