Hope Reignited: Sharon's Journey from Addiction to Transformation
Youth for Christ Kenya
After watching our skit on drug abuse, Sharon approached one of our missionaries and asked, “How can I stop taking drugs? I am addicted, and I don’t know how to stop. I live alone; I am an orphan, and drugs are the only things that keep me going.”
Having been picked several times on the roadside due to drunkenness, she was ashamed and wanted to see change in her own life. If a small spark of hope were shared with her that day, she thought, it would light up the dimness that had covered her life since the death of her parents.
Our colleague prayed for her and encouraged her not to give up on herself. She left the room crying with joy, knowing that there was a love greater than that of guardians. In addition to this, she could dream again, and she knew it wasn’t too late for her. Getting the hope that it is possible to experience transformation was enough for her.
Join the staff of Youth for Christ in Kenya as they pray for Sharon to be strengthened in her faith and to experience full spiritual and physical transformation.