...for the first time he was introduced to the Bible and heard that God loves him and wants a relationship with him.
Robert lives in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, a city that can be desolate and cold, especially on winter days when the temperature doesn’t rise above freezing. Yet in the midst of gloom and poverty there are sparks of hope.
Robert is six years old, the oldest son of dad Gregor and mom Senya. They live in a flat on the outskirts of the city. Robert struggles with an eye disease and, even with strong glasses, he can’t see very well.
Youth for Christ Armenia invited him to come to their Day Centre six months ago. Robert really wanted to go and since then he has not missed a day.
It is quite a walk for Robert to go from his home to the Day Centre, but he loves it; he gets a hot meal and the teacher helps him with his homework. Here for the first time he was introduced to the Bible and heard that God loves him and wants a relationship with him. This made a deep impression on Robert.
Since then he has been sharing the Bible stories at home. He has taught his parents to pray. Robert’s stories have changed the family. His father and mother have gained courage and are now praying for Robert and their other children, Arsen and Ofelia. When Robert has to go to the doctor they pray the Lord’s Prayer first at home.
God is using Youth for Christ Day Centres in many places in eastern and central Europe to reach many at-risk young people.
To find out more about our programme in Armenia, go to am.yfci.org.