Announcement: New International Care Director

Karen has been chosen and begun her journey of raising support to step into the International Care Director position.

Karen’s journey with Youth for Christ started in 1993 when she first went to a camp in Beirut, Lebanon. A school friend, who attended Youth for Christ clubs and camps, invited her and later led her to accept Christ. As her faith grew, she felt called to serve young people of Lebanon through Youth for Christ Lebanon.

After working as a school counselor at a local high school, she joined the Youth for Christ Lebanon team, where she served until the end of 2009. In 2010, she was invited to join Open Doors in pioneering and later leading their Trauma ministry, as they responded to the suffering of persecuted Iraqi believers who were refugees in Syria. The ministry grew as the need for trauma-informed training and ministry became apparent, taking her to many places and cultures around the world.

It has been her life’s honor to serve Jesus’ Bride around the world, especially those who suffer for His name’s sake. Nothing breaks her heart more than seeing those who have been called to spread His Word around the world leave the mission field due to exhaustion, lack of vision, burnout, conflict or family struggles. In 2019, she ended her time in full-time ministry with Open Doors and married and joined her husband Aaron and their three boys in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She is excited and honored that God would now bring her back to serve in Youth for Christ by caring for His workers.

Please note that Karen is working on raising personal support first. She will fully step into her role once that is complete.