Crisis in Haiti: Critical Relief

The crisis in Haiti has reached a critical point. You can help by providing essentials to young people and families in dire need.

Youth for Christ in Haiti works with over 3,300 young people in schools, clubs, and soccer programs. With the current crisis, Youth for Christ Haiti is unable to continue our normal outreach and so we are shifting to helping families in dire need.

Many families have been displaced, and routes for food and necessities have been blocked or overrun by gangs. This is a real humanitarian crisis that’s getting worse every day,” Godwin Altidor, Youth for Christ Haiti Director, said.

Youth for Christ Haiti is wanting to provide food kits to each of the young people we work with. Each kit costs about $40 and includes enough food to feed a family of four for a week. A typical kit would include rice, beans, fish, spaghetti, oil, and corn. Food kits for each of the 3,300 young people will cost $132,000. 

Would you help provide food kits? You can feed one family for $40, ten families for $400, or 25 families for $1000.

In addition, Youth for Christ Haiti needs two vehicles to transport the supplies, costing approximately $25,000 each.

The current turmoil is instigated by the rise of criminal gangs, which are extending their dominance throughout the nation. Unlike previous crises stemming from natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods, this chaos is characterized by widespread lawlessness and devastation. Control over major thoroughfares in and out of the capital has long been in the hands of these gangs, whose influence now extends well beyond Port-au-Prince, reaching places like Mirebalais in the Central Plateau.

With gangs wielding considerable firepower and wreaking havoc, fear has become the predominant adversary. Prisons are under siege, leading to the mass release of inmates into the populace. Fleeing their homes and belongings, people are seeking refuge in remote regions to evade the violence. “Some have run into the woods to hide, and others have run into nearby towns,” said Godwin.

People urgently need essentials such as food, water, and temporary shelter for survival. These displaced families find themselves in dire circumstances. Stores are closed, food prices have skyrocketed, and fuel is in short supply.

Total project cost: $182,000

Let’s not forget about these beautiful faces that live in chaos every single day.
Let’s pray for better days and a bright future for these kids.
Pray for us as we learn how to serve in these times.
-Godwin Altidor, National Director
Youth for Christ Haiti


Common Questions (Haiti Aid Relief)

Youth for Christ Haiti is currently ministering weekly to over 3,300 kids, 1st – 6th grade, attending ten schools and five community centers. Including their families – about 10,000 people.
Youth for Christ Haiti’s reach is currently throughout the Central Plateau which is about the size of the state of Delaware. We are headquartered and focused down in the City of Mirebalais, population about 300,000. Five of our schools and one community center are right in the heart of the city.
We will be working with ESMI (El Shaddai Ministries International) which has a 30 year ministry in Haiti. They have planted 205 churches all over Haiti, with 45 churches in the Central Plateau. We have worked closely with them for the last three years. As Youth for Christ Haiti leads kids to Christ, our mandate is to funnel these kids into the ESMI churches near the youth clubs. ESMI has had major experience with disaster relief and worked the 2010 and 2016 earthquakes as well as the recent major hurricanes. We will pool resources, provide storage and assist with transportation and distribution under ESMI’s direction.
This will be our major challenge. We are working to devise plans to ensure the safety and security of people and supplies.
Transportable food is the number 1 priority. Since people have left their dwellings, we will also consider temporary shelters, i.e. tents, tarps, etc.
We are preparing for major bloodshed and afterward, a peace-keeping force to enter and restore order. They will work from Port au Prince outward. It may take months.
Money to purchase food and two trucks. We expect it will cost $40 to feed a family of four for one week.