
Jacky & Natalie Barbier

Saved by God’s grace as adults, Jacky and Natalie Barbier love to seize the opportunity to encourage others towards continual engagement with the Lord and to reach out to all, young and old, as a united Body with other believers.

Jacky Barbier
“As Operations Manager with Youth for Christ in France, my heart is to be ‘the oil in the engine.’ My goal is to be a facilitator that enables fellow Christian servants to best and most effectively use their gifts and talents for the glory of God in making Him known. My role is to help each of these leaders reach their Kingdom goals in practical ways.”

Natalie Barbier
“In my diverse responsibilities, my heart is to be a ‘mouthpiece’ that transmits the Gospel and encourages Good News transmission in others! Through my roles in music ministry outreach, donor relations, and as the Ministry Assistant to the Operations Manager, my desire is to let God be known.”