Haley Whitehurst and Youssef Jouni
Haley has been serving with Youth for Christ in Lebanon since January 2019. She majored in Intercultural Studies and double-minored in Biblical Studies and International Development at Biola University, where she received her B.A. As a Global Engagement missionary in Lebanon, she engages young people with the Good News. She is currently co-leading the school ministry team which works to both reach and disciple youth around the greater Beirut area through relationships built with them in the schools, events, and summer camp. Haley is based out of Beirut, Lebanon, working with national staff throughout the region.
She has begun adapting the girls empowerment curriculum, Superwoman, and using it with the girls that she disciples. Haley is very passionate about girls empowerment, and hopes to be able to empower other leaders and ministry workers throughout the Middle East to be able to both disciple and holistically build up the young women they work with.
Haley met Youssef, a fellow Youth for Christ Lebanon ministry worker, in 2016 during her time interning with Youth for Christ Lebanon and they became great friends. They began dating in the spring of 2019 and were married on May 8, 2021. They love serving alongside one another as part of Youth for Christ and in their marriage.