Denver, Colorado
Chris Kozacek
When he was only 14, Chris felt God’s call on his life to go into ministry on a youth retreat after reading Colossians 3:24b, “It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” He followed this call by pursuing ministry to young people. Eventually he planted a church for people typically viewed as outcasts, where he was lead pastor for four years.
Likewise, Corrie felt God’s leading in her life when she was 14. God gave her a heart for youth and missions, which she followed by joining Youth for Christ in 1998 as staff in Ghana. After two years in Africa, she returned to the U.S. where she continued to work in the areas of missions and youth at her church.
Chris and Corrie were married in 2004 and God continued to grow in them, as a couple, a love for young people and ministering to the next generation. Their hearts have been captured with Jesus’ love for the woman at the well in John 4, a woman who was rejected for many reasons by her society, yet Jesus paid her attention. Jesus acknowledged, spoke to, listened to, and showed compassion to a woman who was considered an incredible sinner. Jesus loved and cared for her, and it has been Chris and Corrie’s heart to minister the same grace and love to all people.
Chris and Corrie are excited to be an integral part of the worldwide ministry of Youth for Christ. Through their involvement God will use their passion for grace and mercy so that tens of thousands of young people will be impacted with the good news of Jesus Christ.