Dean Edwall (National Director Youth for Christ South Africa)
Over the years, we have come to realize that teens who are parents need a lot of support. Since our weekly groups haven’t been meeting because of the COVID-19 restrictions, we adjusted our program to do one-on-one time with our young moms. Though many of them contacted us at the start of their crisis pregnancy, some others connected with us through our marketing activities at the schools.
We are happy that a number of them are now in school, including seven who are in matric this year. It’s been tough for them to attend school because of unpredictable school schedules, but the girls are working hard to achieve their goals and dreams! We know that God’s dream for them is that they come to know Him as Saviour and Lord, so we have had some good conversations with some of them about Jesus. Jeanette, our project leader, is passionate about our teen moms, so for those who have given their lives to Jesus, Jeanette and their counsellors help them with in-depth Bible studies, discipleship and spiritual growth.
We are extremely grateful to donors who assist us with funding for “Teen Mom Empowerment” to the point that we have been able to meet needs of individual girls in terms of buying them school uniforms, stationery, and in paying of crèche fees for the toddlers.
As an added support to our teen moms, these donated items have helped us in assisting them with, baby toiletries, nappies, baby clothing and food. We are very encouraged that we can give the girls practical help which in turn helps them understand God’s love and care for them!
The Youth for Christ South Africa Options ministry, working with teen moms, makes all the difference to a happier and healthier future both for the moms themselves and for their children. We love impacting generations! We are also encouraged that we now have a new and awesome tool to reach the dads of these little children – a new workshop called “Legacy Dad”. To lead the way, we are putting together a volunteer team of men. It’s all about helping the dads discover our Father’s (i.e God) heart and engaging fully with their children.