Youth for Christ Canada’s Summer institute is a two-week intensive training in Canada for staff from different Youth for Christ chapters. The training includes sessions on a wide range of topics including spiritual resilience, evangelism, and integrating faith, media and culture.
Held in late May at Redeemer University College in Ontario, Summer Institute 2017 provided attendees from a variety of nations and backgrounds a very rich time of getting to know one another. All this in simplicity with much love and patience despite the language barrier, which was not always easy.
The event was a time of fun, joy and learning from one another. The second week, participants attended a program at Redeemer University. Leaders with rich experience in full-time ministry taught about different themes concerning work in ministry at the youth level. Instructors shared testimonies, as well as numerous life and ministry experiences with the students.
Well organized, the Summer Institute in Canada was rich in content and varied in activities.