
Siboe’s Testimony

Knowing God as my Father taught me to understand that my father made many mistakes in life because he is human and needs the Fatherly love from God.

On Father’s Day, Siboe had the opportunity to share her story and talk about her relationship with her earthly father to students at Townsend High School. This was the first time she ever spoke about it and how it shaped her life as a young woman.

“My father left home when I was very young and this made me feel rejected. I grew up angry and the hurt of not having him in my life caused me to question my identity. Hearing bad stories about him from family members made me think that I could not be a good person.

We reunited when I was older but the anger and hurt remained until I learned to relate to God as a Father. All men (male and female), including our earthly fathers, may fail and abandon us, but our Heavenly Father never leaves nor forsakes us. God takes us into His family as His very own. Romans 8:15 is the scripture I use to encourage the young ladies to see God for who He is – their Father, who they are in Him and not how they look or what has happened to them.

Knowing God as my Father taught me to understand that my father made many mistakes in life because he is human and needs the Fatherly love from God. It enabled me to let God determine who I was and what would become of me. Herein is authenticity when we let God use the less than perfect details of our lives to create perfection. Herein is God being the perfect Dad, always looking out for a girl, grooming her and giving her purpose.”

For the first time ever, Siboe didn’t spend Father’s Day being half happy and half sad. There were no lingering feelings of rejection or loss. We thank God for transforming her and using her as a vessel in the life of young people and the ministry of Youth for Christ.