
unnamedSeveral nations in Latin America and Canada recently arrived in Ecuador at Hacienda El Refugio to participate in Youth for Christ’s Summer Institute South. Summer Institute exists to encourage and equip youth missionaries to be effective builders in the Kingdom of God!  The week-long event seeks not only to equip staff but also to help them encounter the very heart of Jesus so they can demonstrate his love for the lost.

Local staff met Youth for Christ missionaries from all over the world, shared a meal together and learned about how the global family of Youth for Christ is being used by God to reach young people all over the world!

Local staff also learned about the theme Rooted and Established, taken from Ephesians 3:14-21.

Your prayers for participants play a vital role in shaping Latin America as you prayerfully invest in the lives of these staff.


  • Pray for participants as they put into practice what they have learned at the week long training.
  • Pray, asking the Holy Spirit to create a work of unity within all the leadership and participants, so they may together see Jesus in others and within themselves.
  • Pray Ephesians 3:14-19 for everyone in Youth for Christ, that we would be rooted and established in Love and would have power to grasp how wide and high and long and deep is Christ’s love for them, so much so that they would be filled to the measure of all of His fullness!

Thank you for your ministry of prayer as we seek to see this generation know the restoring work of the Gospel!