Pioneering Youth for Christ Austria
Married in 2012, Gideon (Netherlands) and Dominique (United Kingdom) are parents to two little boys. In August 2020, they moved from Delft, The Netherlands, to Vienna, ready for a new adventure. Their prayer was that God would bring them into contact with people with whom they could work and serve.
Before they had even left the Netherlands, a Viennese church emailed to ask if they would talk with them about the youth work in their church. And a month later, another church reached out to them, too. Then, in February 2021, EMENA Area Director Edward de Kam invited them to consider setting up a Youth for Christ base in Austria.
Step by step God seemed to be answering their initial prayer. Over the last few months Gideon and Dominique have connected with other Christian youth organisations and church leaders to learn more about what God is doing in Austria and what the needs are.
Gideon and Dominique are passionate about seeing young people discover their God-given identity, talents and abilities. Youth for Christ Austria will come alongside individuals and church communities to empower young people and youth leaders as they journey in God’s purpose for them and for the world around them. Their dream is to develop missional youth work, sharing the good news of Jesus with non-churched young people from Austria and other cross-cultural backgrounds.
Isaiah 45:3 speaks of God giving “hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places”. And this is another part of their prayer now, that they will help young people, leaders and churches discover the precious truth – the treasure – of their identity and worth in God’s family.