Now More Than Ever

Jesús, at just 13 years old, has to deal with drug dealers and gang members, an absent father, and a mentally ill mother in a toxic relationship with an alcoholic boyfriend. Jesús lives in Ecuador (you may have read his story in our recent EVERY newsletter), but there are kids just like him in every nation.

Isaiah lives in the U.S. Despite living in one of the most prosperous nations on earth, he lives in poverty. At 17 he has endured the drug abuse of his mother, his father’s overdose death, domestic violence, and been bounced around to multiple foster homes.

Jason, 14 years old, was kicked out of his home in South Africa by his grandmother because he wasn’t making enough money begging. He was forced to live on the streets.

The stories go on and on. In addition, it is estimated that over 200 million children are living in active war zones like Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. (Save the Children, 12/27/21); there is a record rise in child poverty (UNICEF, Prospects for Children, 2022); and numerous studies show significant increases in adolescent depression, anxiety, loneliness, and suicide attempts following the COVID-19 crisis.

Now, more than ever, young people need to hear the words of Jesus: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

We are so thankful for your partnership in reaching young people worldwide with the message of hope, love and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ. God is using you to change lives! Lives of young people like:

  • Vuyokasi, who grew up in a dysfunctional home. God changed her life through Youth for Christ, through you. She is now counseling pregnant teens through Youth for Christ South Africa.
  • Adam, a young man from a broken home in the United Kingdom who was struggling with life, who came to know Jesus through Youth for Christ. His mom says, “I now have a different boy! He has totally changed!”
  • Mubarak in Sudan, who, after meeting the Youth for Christ team, gave his life to Christ, started attending church and now is helping with the worship band.

Will you consider a gift this month to help reach the world’s young people with this message of hope? Every $50, $100, $1,000 translates into young people (on the streets, in schools, in difficult situations) having a chance for a hope and a future. Will you give and pray today?

Take heart! God is using your gifts to bring hope and help to young people!