Last summer, Ukraine and the Netherlands connected for a significant outreach project. Fifty-two people came from the Netherlands (Cornerstone Church) to serve together with the Ukraine team of Youth for Christ. Participants helped children at risk and their families together. The Dutch team helped to organize a camp for 90 teenagers, built a Day Center facility and helped six at-risk families with their needs.
Kids improved their English speaking skills, and they were also reminded that God loves them so much when they met a team who came from a different country to serve them. Youth for Christ staff members were involved in different camps all over Ukraine that were happening simultaneously with this project. The camps big and small, were focusing on English and sports, out of the cities, and day camps. All of them were united with one goal – to share God’s word with the kids who visit day centers.
Youth for Christ staff organized and helped with 11 evangelism projects for 550 teenagers. Thanks to our partner EO Metterdaad, in day centers on the East of Ukraine, located close to the war zone, planners were also able to organize camps for youth of all ages. They shared some joy with the children who often endure fear and uncertainty in their future. These camps helped the kids to immerse into the atmosphere of God’s love.