
MORE2021 Seeks Presenters

Greetings Youth for Christ family,

Exciting times! It is happening again! Our global online gathering that we call “The MORE Conference” is confirmed for September 15 & 16. We get to come together online as the Youth for Christ family in a few short months.

We want to make MORE even better than last year, so we are reaching out to you, our Youth for Christ family, to fill the event with stories and speakers that capture the heart of who we are and the impact made on our communities during the times we are unable to be “in person.”

We want to share all the ways Youth for Christ is reaching young people through lockdown, staying unified, and utilizing the innovation and can-do attitude our Youth for Christ family is known for. We are looking for content that fits within these categories:

  • Personal – Stories where the gospel has changed an individual and their pursuit of a relationship with Jesus
  • Inspirational – A group of people who have been motivated to change or who are making an impact
  • Corporate – Maybe an exciting new program or best practice is emerging out of the pandemic

The talk should be about 5-7 minutes long and can be “live” or pre-recorded. If the content is to be presented in a language other than English, it must be pre-recorded so that we can get it translated and subtitled in advance.

Maybe it is YOU that wishes to present. Perhaps it is a young staff or volunteer in your program who you think would be a great addition to the event! Either way this is your chance to share.

If you are able to suggest someone or provide content, please email me directly at [email protected] no later than 30 April 2021, together with a very short summary of what you would like to share or who you want to nominate and why you are nominating them.

Thank you for taking the time to make MORE 2021 something to be proud of sharing.

-Michael McCarthy