
Love and "Cake Like I Never Had Before"

The kids were excited! Youth for Christ in this South Asian nation was holding a celebration for the street kids they work with.

One kid said, “Uncle (a term used in this culture for an elder) I never had such love and joy in my life. We are so loved by the staff here, and so good food we never ate before. Beautiful songs, games, and story we learned today. We are happy. When we will have another one like this, uncle?

Another little boy said, “I am so full, very good food and cake like I never had before. I love the music and I dance with the music, too.

All 121 kids received new clothes and a gift box. It was a joyful and beautiful experience for the staff and the children.

The life was so vibrant and joyful which we’ve never seen before among the street kids,” the Youth for Christ staff said. “All glory to Him. They are created in the image of God and He loves them, He wants to see everyone in His house.”

Despite the high-risk of running a Christian outreach in this nation, God continues to open doors. Today Youth for Christ runs a wide-ranging and fruitful ministry here including children’s homes, rehab centers for drug addicts, school outreach clubs, and street ministry.