Learning To Respect Herself

Sbangan learnt many lessons in Zimbabwe during a week-long training event. Among them were the importance of living a life of purity, valuing yourself, and respecting and honouring parents and teachers. Sbangan has vowed to never have sex before marriage again because of the painful experience she had both physically and emotionally. Sbangan longs for her mother’s love who disowned her three years ago, though her father made efforts to look after both her and her son.

Sbangan is one of 38 peer educators who received leadership training and are working at influencing a rebellious generation of young people in her village to choose life, say yes to Jesus and live a Godly lifestyle. Her desire at this moment is to go back to high school, which she missed due to pregnancy.

Right: Susan Masuka (with cap) with Sbangan (Ndebele name for “why do we fight?”) centre with pink jersey, a 17-year-old teen mother to a three -year-old son named Pride. Sbangan got influenced by bad friends, had premarital sex, fell pregnant and dropped out of school at age 14.