Honduras: In the Middle of the Chaos

The year 2020 was a complicated year for everyone but neither the quarantine nor social distancing nor this mask could stop the work of God in the lives of the youth. Thanks to social media as well as Zoom, we were able to meet with the youth through messages of hope and strength for each one of them. His work never stopped.

Last year, our country was affected by two hurricanes leaving mass destruction, but this gave us the opportunity to provide for the physical needs of our country. And more importantly, it opened the door for us to share the good news of the gospel. The hope that we have in Jesus Christ. We are so proud of our volunteers who stepped up, with hearts willing and ready and excited to serve.

They served in different areas, including sorting clothing, taking inventory of our donations, giving food and water in homeless shelters, cleaning homes, and many even donating their own resources. It was so amazing to see God provide, in miraculous ways, but more beautiful. And what brought the most joy to my heart was seeing God use our volunteers. I know that the more they serve and share the love of Christ, the more they will understand the love of Christ for themselves.

To meet the need in our country, we left our comfort zone, to be able to help the people we found suffering because of the hurricanes. For example, I was very afraid of Covid. And those contagious, but God touched my heart and told me, you need to go and serve others.

We had the opportunity to take food and provisions to many families. We also took the gospel to each of those people. We had the blessing to be able to pray and show them Christ as their saviour. This was a great decision that people could take and at that moment the people saw the great need to accept Jesus and it was only He who could bring us out of that moment.

My experience as a YFC volunteer in 2020 was very edifying. I love to help people and I love how the YFC team received me. They are not only a team but more like a family because they are very united and help each other, they never lack smiles and always see the good in every situation.

Personally, what inspired me about YFC was because they have a great desire to help the people in need: the people affected by Covid and the people affected by the hurricanes. I hope to continue serving with excitement with them, they have a great heart of service.

Definitely it has been a very hard time, but we have also seen the love of God and the provision for his children. I learned that we can make a difference as Christians being lights and helping others.

In my case I mobilised on two occasions during the two hurricanes from La Entrada, Copan to San Pedro Sula, simply to help clean the house of one of my friends. Maybe I didn’t have much money to supply their needs, but to love by serving and helping a friend was better.

To see people lose everything was heartbreaking but I also saw and learned that God gave us opportunities to show his love and compassion with others.

Our desire and prayer is to continue teaching volunteers to serve, but above all that they never forget that our reason to serve is Jesus.

Thank you for your collaboration with each one of us. We have gone through a difficult situation but we trust that with God’s help we will move forward.

Thank you very much. I’m thankful to you all because you have done the best for us.

Thank you for all that you have donated to us and may God bless you.