
Finding Freedom

"I party a lot and think and do things that I don't like. I know I shouldn't, but I can't resist, it's really hard..."

Over 50 campers attended the Youth for Christ camp in Cyprus last summer – an improvement on the previous year’s 35. Organizers were pushed to the limit, but say it was all worthwhile.

The theme of the camp was “Freedom”. Camp speakers addressed freedom from addiction, loneliness, fear and how Jesus is the only one that can truly free us from our bonds. Most of the leaders had really good and deep conversations with many of the youth.

One particular young person, Nate*, has always been one of the “cool people”. When he comes to the After Hours YFC cafe, the atmosphere changes. He always gathers people around him. At camp, after a short time of worship, Nate accepted an invitation to stay afterward for prayer.

 “I need God to help me,” he started. “I party a lot and think and do things that I don’t like. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t resist, it’s really hard...” There were tears in his eyes. Nate’s camp leader reminded him of the talks that he had heard the previous days of how God is the only one that can free us from the bondage of sin. He continued talking for about 10 more minutes, about different parts of himself that he wants to change. After he finished, Nate and his leader prayed together for the Holy Spirit to give him the strength he needs to press on.

Nate’s leader hugged him and told him that he would be praying for him. The last thing Nate said was this: “It’s great to know that everyone here at YFC isn’t like other Christians who judge me. You guys love me as I am, and I really appreciate that. Thank you.”