The life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ is changing young people around the world
“Growing up, I thought I followed Christ because I went through the motions,” said Maya, sharing at a Youth for Christ camp in Lebanon. “But when I saw the change in my sister, I knew I didn’t have her passion for God – until I heard the Gospel at a Christian event. I had heard it a thousand times before, but this time was different. And the proof was the change I saw in me.”
Life-changing. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is changing young people around the world. Like Maya in Lebanon, or this young person in Canada:
“I finally surrendered my feelings, focus, future, and fears to God for the first time. I felt completely full and filled’ God has changed me for the better.”

The Harvest is Plentiful
This past year God has used you, through Youth for Christ, to impact over 12 million young people worldwide through both direct and media ministry. Nearly 140,000 young people, like these two from Lebanon and Canada, have responded to the Gospel. That is something to celebrate!
Despite difficult situations around the world – wars and conflict in the Middle East and Europe, crime and chaos in some of our Caribbean nations, religious persecution and poverty in some of our Asian nations – God is still working. Youth for Christ staff and volunteers continue sharing the life-changing message of Jesus with young people.
Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:38).
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Will You Help Us Send More Workers?
At this harvest time of year, we celebrate the harvest of young people coming to know and follow Jesus. We thank you for being a part of that and we humbly, but boldly, ask for your prayers and financial support so that we can send more workers into His harvest field.
It is impossible to truly calculate the return on your investment in Youth for Christ International. We know that on average worldwide, it is costing about $1000 for every young person responding to the Gospel through Youth for Christ, but who can count the worth of that harvest? That harvest is valuable beyond our calculations!
With that in mind, would you help in raising $600,000 by year-end for Youth for Christ lnternational’s outreach, and another $100,000 to pioneer outreach in new places around the globe?
Would you consider a gift of $100, $500, $1000 or more at year-end? Every gift and every prayer is valuable and makes a difference! Please respond as the Lord moves you.
Thank you for being part of changing young lives around the world through Youth for Christ International.
Dave Brereton
International Director