“God says, ‘I’m here. You need my love and my care, to be my servant.’ This is what we are doing.” Coming from Andriy, our Youth for Christ Ukraine National Director, that is quite a comforting and challenging statement.
This Christmas we celebrate “God with us.” He is with us in the present — through whatever you or we go through personally, in our world, in Youth for Christ. He is with you in your trials, your health issues, your financial worries. He is with our brothers and sisters in war zones, with young people living in cardboard boxes in Moldova, teens living in fancy homes in Singapore, and even with those who don’t recognize his presence.
He has been with us in our past. Looking back, you can see how he was working in your life, even when you didn’t realize it, can’t you? In Youth for Christ, we see time and again how God was working in young people, like James in Kenya, long before they became the leaders they are today, and He was with them even in difficult situations.

Ukrainian children carry on with school by the light of cellphones in a bomb shelter.
He will be with you, with us, stepping into the future. He promises so. Your times and your future are in His hands. With your partnership, Youth for Christ is working to reach every young person in every people group in every nation with the good news of Jesus. Even now we are pioneering new youth outreach in 27 nations, with work going on in nearly 130! You are a huge part of this. We rest in the assurance that, as God has been with this movement in the past, and is in the present, so He will be with us in the future.
Being His Love and Care
You and I have the joy of loving and caring for others, demonstrating God’s presence. When you partner with Youth for Christ International you are helping Ukrainian refugees in Europe, loving and teaching life skills to kids living in garbage dumps in Egypt, showing up in juvenile detention centers in the U.S., providing safe havens for teen mothers in Africa and so much more.
And everywhere, you are taking the Gospel to young people who need to know “God is with them.”
Please, will you give generously at year-end so that young people can know Jesus? We hope you know how much we appreciate your financial partnership and your prayers. God is with you. God is with us.
Merry Christmas,
Dave Brereton
International Director