
Day Centres Ministry Growing in Ukraine

ukr1Youth for Christ in the Ukraine continues with major projects of their ministry – clubs and day centres – opening their doors for children and youth. In Khmelnytsky and Zhytomyr regional meetings for day centre teams were held to plan the next six months. On September 15, the Day Centre of Khmelnytsky started a new season of meetings. Fifteen children came to the first meeting. Even on the first day, the team found numerous opportunities to help kids with school homework. Day centres exist first of all to help: spiritually, socially, and physically.

The Day Centre teams are constantly working on improving their outreach, and looking for potential leaders for new day centres, because they are fully aware that even the best
dedicated people cannot and should not do all work by themselves. This is why on September 19, a special meeting in Zhytomyr was held, with only 50 inspired young ministers invited. It had no casual listeners. The strategy has given good results.

For example, a lady minister from Radomyshl town came to Andriy Talko and told that they have a team and are ready to start a new day centre there any minute, but they don’t have any property. She had to leave, but Andriy persuaded her to stay for another hour. During lunch time, another girl came to him and told him that she had an old empty house in Radomyshl and if someone wanted to start a day centre, she would give them the house for the meetings. The team is already doing a home makeover, preparing the house for the new day centre meetings.

In September, 5 more clubs were added. Coordinator Dmitry Chernokoza held meetings with their teams, doing training and helping them to plan their work. He also took part in the “Flame of Hope” project in Uzhgorod (September 18-19) where he again presented the day centre ministry.

Thank you for your continued support and prayer for this ministry, without which it would not be growing and reaching many young people with the good news of Jesus.