Changing Lives at Camp
They are places where God is changing lives for eternity. Places where young people can relax – free from anxiety and fear, neglect or poverty, dysfunctional homes, or harmful relationships. It’s a chance for them to be themselves, feel safe, accepted and loved. It’s the magic of Youth for Christ camps held all over the world.
In the US, for one Miami teen, it was sharing for the first time about his family’s struggles with domestic violence. Through tears, he told his cabinmates, “I’ve never told anyone about this before.” Or a girl struggling with self-harm, whose wise camp leader asked her to help a younger girl with the same issue. The older girl felt so empowered and valued for being asked that she wrote a letter to the younger girl to encourage her and let her know she isn’t alone.
“Our vision is to mend the broken places in young people’s lives with the unconditional, unwavering love of Jesus Christ,” stated a Youth for Christ Miami staff person. But that sentiment could have been shared by any Youth for Christ camp leader throughout the world.
In South Korea, Youth for Christ doesn’t stop with summer camp for young people. They have a camp seminar to train church youth leaders, who will continue to minister to camp attendees, along with other youth, long after camp is over. Leaders come together at the seminar to learn and experience better ways to communicate with hurting young people.
And in Croatia, Youth for Christ staff brought joy to special needs youth from Bosnia, helping them to forget COVID-19 lockdowns at home or in their institutions with five days of kayaking, tube riding, a boat cruise and workshops for those with physical and mental development issues.
God is reaching many young people through Youth for Christ camps around the world. In Romania, Brazil, Czech Republic, Honduras, Poland, South Korea, Croatia, in Ukraine even in the midst of the conflict, and many other nations young people are experiencing the “unconditional, unwavering love of Jesus Christ.”

Over 6,000 people attended Youth for Christ Slovakia’s Campfest in August with over 200 people committing their lives to Jesus! This three-day festival held annually at Youth for Christ’s beautiful Kráľova Lehota Ranch features music, worship, teaching and fun.