“Like the awakening of a new dawn, she began experiencing joy and acceptance like never before,” said Olusola Imoleolu, Youth for Christ Nigeria National Director, celebrating the breakthrough of the young woman Tochukwu.
Fleeing neighboring Senegal with her baby, young Tochukwu was searching for love and happiness. Running from a family that had heaped abuse on her and had urged her to make money by selling herself to strange men, she was looking for a way out, a new life.
Attending a Youth for Christ club with her life in shambles, Tochukwu heard the gospel and experienced an awakening. Surrendering her life to Christ, she began a new journey of joy and acceptance. Discipled by the Youth for Christ Nigeria staff she took a particular encouragement and comfort from the story of the Samaritan woman Jesus spoke with at the well (John 4). Jesus loved her! He had her best interests at heart. Today Tochukwu follows Christ while working a stable job and providing for her baby.
Tochukwu is one example of the way God is reaching young people through Youth for Christ in Nigeria. Known as the “Giant of Africa,” Nigeria is a diverse West African nation. The country is home to hundreds of different ethnicities and languages and is the seventh most populous country in the world. Youth for Christ began in Nigeria in 1987 and is reaching young people through evangelistic outreaches in communities, churches, and schools, through mentoring, social involvement and creative ministries like music and drama.
To find out more about our programme in Nigeria, visit ng.yfci.org.