Argentina Team Visits Lebanon

“..and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil 2:11)

Youth for Christ in Lebanon was thrilled to have their first-ever Latin American team to serve them in their country. This team, from Argentina, helped in three schools by: speaking in chapels, helping with on campus activities and getting to know students during recess time.

Participants also served in the Bekaa valley with the Syrian refugee youth ministry team. Such visiting team helps the Lebanese youth recognise the greatness of our God who is at work in every nation in this world.

  • Pray for ways for this team and other future teams might utilise their love of football (soccer) to reach youth with the Gospel.
  • Pray for the Lord to give discernment and grace as missionaries share their transformed lives with school students.
  • Pray for our ministry among the Syrian refugee youth in the Bekaa valley