EMENA AREA UPDATE - October 2024


These days our EMENA Area has to deal with a lot of violence and destruction. It’s really heartbreaking. At the moment we see the pictures of the war in Lebanon and neighboring nations. We nearly forget that in Ukraine the war is still going on. So many people are dying each day on both sides of the border. And also the war with the rebels in Sudan is still going on. And I could continue with the challenges in Armenia and the Balkan region were there’s so much pain from the past. Lord have mercy. It has such an impact on our staff, volunteers, young people and their families. I hear heartbreaking stories from people who lost so much, and don’t know where to live because they can’t return to their nation/homes because their houses are confiscated or destroyed. People who lose friends and family members, so much trauma.

In Psalm 44: 23-26 we read a heart cry from the author:

Wake up, Lord! Why are you asleep?
Rouse yourself! Don’t reject us forever!
Why are you hiding from us?
Don’t forget our suffering and trouble!
We fall crushed to the ground;
We lie defeated in the dust.
Come to our aid!
Because of your constant love save us!

At the moment the Church and Christian organizations including Youth for Christ in Lebanon have already moved to help the thousands of displaced families with nothing left. They work tirelessly to provide relief. The same goes for the other nations where our staff work so hard in such difficult circumstances for a long time now. Heroes.

Please pray with us that things will change. That there will soon be breakthroughs and peace. Pray for the violence to stop, for courage, divine protection, for healing and provision. In times of war, many things (food, provisions, medical things) are in short supply.

God wants to bring the whole universe back to Himself. That gives us hope.