
Singaporean Youth – Evangelists Under Construction

From Lim Chien Chong, Singapore National Director

One of the ongoing ministries of Youth for Christ in Singapore is Project Serve. Project Serve is organised for Christian youths who desire to be trained and participate in the work of youth evangelism. It is designed for those between ages 16-22, and aims to help Christian youth understand their faith better and equip them to share the gospel.

Among the 95 youths who came for the Project Serve Welcome Tea last December, many had a ‘look and see’ mentality. They were unsure if committing three-months of their holidays to such a program would be a ‘risk’. Half were unfamiliar with Youth for Christ and many were less familiar with full-time gospel work.

In the blink of an eye, their stint is over. As 40 of them (who stayed for three-months) put up their own graduation showcase on March 23rd, they were reminded of how they are simply youth evangelists under construction, asking prayers from supporters and friends until the day they are “fully constructed”.

Project Servants learned special skills to connect with a wide spectrum of youths.

Jerusha, 19, from the Secondary School and Junior College Ministry learned a creative method to share the Gospel. “During Chinese New Year, we created a game to guess how various Chinese characters were derived. We then linked it to 福.  神 refers to God who is the Creator of this world. 一口 refers to God creating man and breathing life into him. 田 refers to God creating man into the Garden of Eden.”

Samuel, 19, from the Sports and Adventure Ministry shares, “We went in small groups to basketball and soccer courts all over Singapore and played with the youths we met. Sports made it easy to connect with them. We talked with them during breaks. We shared the Gospel at subsequent meetings when we got to know them better.”