
Simple Deeds Prepare The Way

Who knows how the kind deeds, the prayers, the gifts, the investment of time and resources will prepare young hearts for Jesus?

Many people around the world prepare for Christmas by placing a piece of straw in a manger each time a kind deed is performed. On Christmas Eve, the baby Jesus is placed in the manger, kind deeds having prepared hearts for his coming.

Similarly, God uses the prayers, projects, and gifts of Youth for Christ International supporters and staff to prepare hearts and change lives.

In Nigeria, schools were closed because of the pandemic. With the help of financial supporters from across the world, Youth for Christ developed ProjectTeach Nigeria. Their staff are helping more than 1,500 students in eight communities (and expanding) with core subject studies and in their spiritual lives by building positive, nurturing relationships.

In Canada, Asmick had a troubled upbringing, which led to time in jail years later. But Asmick also had a praying mom – part of WakeUp Deborah, a Youth for Christ movement birthed in Brazil which now involves 150,000 mothers across 60 nations praying regularly for young people in their midst. When Asmick was in solitary confinement, his mom’s prayers were answered as Asmick gave his life to Christ. Today, Asmick leads La Corde, a thriving multi-cultural Youth for Christ ministry outside Montréal, where many kids and their families are beset by poverty and poor life skills. La Corde reaches out to 1,800 children from 35 nationalities, introducing them to Jesus Christ.

In Britain, Matthew, a local Youth for Christ worker, wandered into a local skate park where young people were hanging out. God impressed on his heart how much these young people needed Christ and immediately a mischievous troublemaker of a kid approached him. This initial encounter led to him being able to give a Bible to this young man and it started an ongoing relationship.

In Botswana, God used a simple presentation in a school to draw a young woman to himself. Ember, a Youth for Christ staff member who herself got involved with Youth for Christ through a similar, simple conversation at a music festival in the USA, shared her testimony in the school. That led to ongoing conversations and this young woman becoming a follower of Christ. Ember now has the joy of helping her grow in her new relationship with Christ. Who knows how the kind deeds, the prayers, the gifts, the investment of time and resources will prepare young hearts for Jesus?

Youth for Christ International is committed to doing whatever is necessary to see young people come to know and follow him. In over 100 nations, with over 50,000 volunteers and staff, as well as many prayer and financial supporters, God is using Youth for Christ to reach young people.