About Youth for Christ Poland
Youth for Christ Poland was started in 1993 by two missionaries from the UK. Recently the situation in Poland and in the world has changed the activities of Youth for Christ. Most importantly, however, we managed to survive this difficult time thanks to the support of our friends.
“Beginning” Conference, New Year’s Eve.
One of our large projects is a New Year’s Eve conference called “Beginning,” organized for the young and by the young. Beginning is a special time to enter the New Year, with plans, dreams and resolutions with God. We want it to be the beginning of something new, the BEGINNING of life in the POWER of Him who is the source of joy, peace and abundance. The beginning of life with the one in whom our identity, our self, is hidden. We have become a platform for building unity between Christians by sharing good interviews, lectures, worship and blogs.
Narnia Club is a space created for children from the surrounding courtyards, the so-called Wrocław’s “triangle,” one of the places in this city where young people need love and support the most. Our pupils spend their time there at educational workshops – theater, art, sports, etc. Children are supervised by leaders who care for them and show them unconditional love. At this point the COVID restrictions are being reduced so we can return to live activities in our club. We are also waiting to receive a new two-story building for our kids, which was given to us by the city. The rest of our projects are waiting for all COVID restrictions to be removed so that we can fully go back to work.
The youth of Poland are being reached with the Gospel primarily through:
- Students meeting named EWAKUACJA (evacuation). They take place once a month, where about 100 students come.
- Young women’s event named kobie.TY (women’s). They take place four times in a year with about 50 women.
- New Year’s conference named POCZĄTEK (beginning). Last year we had about 800 people.
- Children’s club named NARNIA where we have about 50 kids.
- Summer camp
- Investing in young leaders from youth and student’s groups through a new project called Family of Leaders.
Prayer Needs
- Adequate resources for staff and events
- Wisdom in reaching young people
- Development of a new ministry for young leaders
- Spiritual development of staff and volunteers
- Development of a new ministry for high school students
- Expansion and spreading of the BEGINNING conference and other programs nationally and regionally
- Cooperation with churches and pastors