
About Youth for Christ Australia

We’re on a rescue mission…

A spiritual battle rages for the lives of our youth. Scripture warns us that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. And that is exactly what has been happening to the young people in our nation who are being taken out by suicide, anxiety, porn addiction, brokenness, meaninglessness and confusion.

As Christians we know that there is hope. And His name is Jesus.

There are 4.1 million young Australians in our target audience of 12-24 year-olds. Some of these youth know little about Jesus and most of them are not attending churches. It’s a massive unreached people group in our own nation.

So, together with others around Australia who share this heart, we’re on a rescue mission – to rescue and restore the lost youth of our nation through peer-to-peer evangelism and discipleship.

We’re doing this through:

  • Jesus Campaign – Equipping and empowering a network of believers to be active in discipleship for JESUS.
  • Hope Movement – training in evangelism using HOPE cards, videos and online activity.
  • Local missionariesreaching the lost youth of Australia with the Hope of Jesus.
  • Resourcing churcheswith tools and training for peer-to-peer evangelism and discipleship.
  • What’s Normal – Christian resources for youth groups and schools that challenge the norms of our hyper-sexualised culture.

Prayer Needs

  • Revival! We are praying for a JESUS REVOLUTION in our nation – A Holy Spirit led uprising of believers radically following Jesus in purity, selflessness, and brotherly love.
  • God’s wisdom, provision and protection over our ministries and missionaries as they faithfully step out to make Jesus known.



When the Light Broke In

A Time for Harvest in Australia

Roadside Rescue in the Outback

Finding Hope on Social Media

You Never Know