

fouadI am 16 years old, originally from Morocco, but was raised in Lebanon. Last year, a friend from school invited me to attend one of the Youth for Christ programs. Since then, I started attending all Youth for Christ events and after awhile I decided to become a follower of Christ. I was then invited to attend the Youth for Christ camp in 2014. At camp I became closer to God and more committed to my devotional life. This commitment helped stop the repeating sins in my life. I still felt I needed to grow more as a new follower of Jesus.

A few weeks after camp, I received a phone call from one of the Youth for Christ staff. He asked me if I would like to join the “YFC Core” discipleship group for boys. I was super excited as this was exactly what I had been waiting for.

At that point I started learning how to play the saxophone because it is a very romantic instrument. I feel happy whenever I worship God through that instrument. After a short period of time, I was asked to join the Youth for Christ worship band and play at summer camp 2015. This was a very exciting experience for me. Last year I was just a camper and this year I was also part of the worship band. I was willing to quit my job just to go to camp this year. Fortunately I did not have to, but I am glad I made it. Camp was amazing as I felt that my relationship with Jesus continued to grow.