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Thank you for helping Youth for Christ reach young people everywhere.


Your financial gifts are making a difference.

  • 977,420

    Young people impacted by direct ministry

  • 100,915

    Young people who responded to the Gospel

  • 112

    Chartered Youth for Christ nations

  • 56,820

    Full-time, part-time & volunteer staff

  • 5,322,810

    Young people impacted by media ministry

  • 43,242

    Young people in followup & discipleship

  • 220,627

    Registered prayer intercessors

  • 12,096

    Churches that partner in ministry

These figures are a compilation of statistics reported on Annual Ministry Reviews from 2021. They are close approximation but not absolute totals. Media includes literature distribution, TV, radio and internet.


If you have a question, please email [email protected] and be sure to include your phone number in your message.

To view or manage your account information (contact information, donations history, recurring donations, etc.), click here.




Youth for Christ is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and follows the highest ethical standards. Our policy is to apply all gifts given toward a specific project to that project. Occasionally, we receive more contributions than can be wisely applied to a specific project. When that happens, we use the excess funds to meet other pressing needs that will help advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ to youth and/or their families.