
Reaching Thousands…Like Colin

Reaching young people today is a challenge – perhaps more challenging than ever before. Rather than turning away from the challenge, some are embracing it.

Having ministered to 40,343 kids over the summer through street, community and camp ministries, Youth for Christ in Canada knows something of those challenges, as well as the rewards of persevering through them to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to teenagers.

Dave Brereton, National Director of Youth for Christ in Canada writes:

“Our Canadian youth will not hear the message of the love of God,
which they so desperately need, at a youth rally…they will be at
home on the internet. They won’t hear the message at church…
most have never gone to church except perhaps to really old empty
ones on vacation as a tourist; but …they will hear the person who
helps them with their homework, who is there at the drop-in
center, or who coaches their volleyball team.”

The youth of which Dave writes are real people, with real stories.  Take Colin, for example:

“When I was around seven, my father was arrested, life was turned upside down. I lived with my single mom on welfare, living from paycheque to paycheque not knowing if we were going to have enough food next week or the next day even.

I had a horrible life. I hated it. Was a loser in school, had no friends, I hated life. It’s because of Youth for Christ and the workers that I’m here today for sure. Youth for Christ has shown me that I do have potential and that I will amount to something one day and that my life has a purpose. I thank you more than you’ll ever be able to understand.”

It is because of young people like Colin that we do what we do.  Take a few minutes to watch this powerful video from Youth for Christ in Canada and hear more from Dave Brereton, Colin and other young people like him who have been impacted by the ministry of Youth for Christ.