
A Life Buoy in Moldova

Ola, Shafcje, Monika and MihaelIn one of the many Youth for Christ Day Centres in Moldova, 38 little ones have found shelter, listened to a number of guest speakers, and received encouragement from friends around the country. Also, five public institutions have been involved! The present situation is a clear result of the efforts of educators, together with parents and volunteers. The result of the activity of the Centre can be seen through beautiful things that make your soul vibrate: a sincere smile and a sweet kiss, a warm hug instead of a cold look, melodious voices and recital of a poem.

Another Youth for Christ Day Centre is centered on children with disabilities. The mother of one of the students recently had this to say about the Centre: “Most people have heard about children with various forms of physical and mental disability, but not too many have an idea about the difficulties families of children with disabilities go through and the enormous effort the parents make to help these special kids make progress. Our children, as well as the families, have been confronted with many problems and obstacles of many kinds. The opening of the ‘Come and See’ Day Centre was like a life buoy for us. We took hold of it, hoping that it would make things easier for us. Through this, we as parents, rediscovered the joy of life. Day after day we are encouraged by the progress of our children, who have learned many interesting and necessary things and managed to make friends. At the Centre they feel welcome, understood and loved.”