
Danish Teens Bring Good News to Romania

From Finn Kier-Hansen, National Director

On Friday 14th October, a bus full of teens from five different Youth for Christ chapters in Denmark (Rock Solid),  together with their leaders, left for a week’s mission trip to Romania.

They traveled by bus for 72 hours, a ride of approximately 2,300 km each way.

During their week in Romania the young people did street evangelism and visited prisons, churches, schools, spreading the Gospel as they went.

The mission team is celebrating:

  • Speaking at seven meetings with 800 people attending
  • Four parties in churches, gathering locals
  • Around 300 people who have responded with a step of faith
  • Meetings in one prison,  three schools, two orphanages, and a preschool
  • Handing out gifts worth $4,000 (money raised by the teenagers attending the trip).

Everyone on the team matured personally and in their relationship with God.

Much thanks to everyone who prayed for the team, and to God for His protection and blessings on the journey.